
a 3 part series

inspired by the desires of actual Asian Women & LGBTQ+ People

Join us!

Tuesday 10/16

Wednesday 10/17

Thursday 10/18

5:00-6:30PM PST

Who am I to teach this?

Hi! I’m Karolyn!

I had to learn the hard way that actively choosing to stay in your hurt and trauma will rob you of the joy and presence and relationships and goodness that’s waiting for you in your life.

I deeply believe that when we give ourselves the space, care, and support that we need and deserve to become Aware and choose Agency and Accountability, we let the universe and ancestors know we’re ready to Let Love IN in all forms to embody Aligned, Authentic living in flow with the nature of our most true, empowered, and liberated selves!

I know, because when I finally allowed myself to heal and got really intentional about who I am, what I deserve, and what lights me up, I started loving myself and living better, and amazing things started happening for me including: trusting my intuition, learning how to let love in again, the universe gifting me a beautiful relationships, opportunities, and a new lease on life really!

But most of all helping me finally let go of all the stuck hurt and trauma so I could transmute it into love and wisdom, reawaken my courage and conviction to trust the visions calling to me, and follow my life’s calling to be able to share with you now.

That’s why I created this workshop to help you feel connected, supported, and inspired toward embodying and receiving the love you deserve in your life!

And, like me, many of you are powerful manifestors who see yourselves reflected in my journey and my life’s calling to help people heal, and I want to help show you how to reconnect to your true calling through what you’re healing and growing through and reclaim your truest, most embodied authentic expressions of yourself

so you can not only liberate yourself but help ignite the liberation in others in your life who need your unique superpowers and medicine to help ignite their healing path too!

THIS IS WHAT IT’S ABOUT! LET’S GO Y’ALL LET’S GOO!! YEEEE ;D <3 To our shared healing, growth, and liberation!

See you in the workshop and looking forward to supporting you with coming back home to your wholeness, your highest most embodied self that you came into this life with!

So you can actually feel present, fully alive, and confident to harness the love, joy, and fulfillment you deserve!

