Welcome, dear one!

I'd love to share with you my personal invitation to live your most inspiring, empowering, aligned, expansive vision for your life!

Feel free to listen and explore how 1-on-1 coaching with me could help you manifest your dream life into a life you love and enjoy daily!



Testimonial from Valerie Hwang

“I’ve never been able to access the quiet sacred space within. I don’t need coaching or direction, I just need quiet and that’s what you provide. There’s a lot of noise and so I’m really relieved that you provide quiet.

I don’t think there are many people out there that genuinely provide quiet and I definitely need that more than I need cheerleading or direction or anything else.

My frustration with always succumbing to giving into the noise. It’s just so incessant that I start to convince myself that “Oh, they must be right.” because they’re just like *baaahhhhhh* [loud] but time and time again I just realize how exhausting that is.

And I don’t want to be noisy myself. Because there’s so much of that going on I feel the need to be louder than I want to be and I don’t have any desire to be loud. I have a desire to be listened to. I don’t want to force anybody to listen to me. I think there’s always that inner dilemma going on.

But I really want to sit in that place of perfect quiet and just rightness.

If I can use that as a base, then I’ll be much happier with myself regardless of what the world is doing.”


1-on-1 Coaching with Karolyn


Calling in Asian Womxn Ready To Thrive!

“I just want to be happy.

I want to feel worthy of love and be loved, to let love in.”

I work with sisters 1-on-1 to get really centered on what is blocking you from living your ideal vision for your life, and helping you come to awareness in what is blocking you so that you can honor, process, and let go of limiting beliefs, stories, and patterns of living that are no longer serving you,

and thrive in your unique abilities to receive and manifest your most joyful, peaceful, harmonious dream vision for yourself and your life!

Knowing “I deserve to feel peaceful, joyful, and fulfilled!

I am loved, supported, and have everything I need to thrive!

I am because of my ancestors, I am my ancestors’ wildest dreams!

I’m ready, let’s go!”




What are the stories you’ve been told about your survival?

About yourself and your ancestors and who they are?

We will play with the narratives and practices of how we have been taught and conditioned to survive, and our beliefs around surviving.


What does living mean to you as a 1st and next generation Asian Pacific Islander Womxn?

Are you allowed to just live and be?

If so, how? Will it happen, only after you accomplish x,y,z, and deserve to just live and be?

We will play with the narratives, practices, and beliefs about our “living.”


No more trying, striving.

You are Goddess energy embodied.

You embody and reflect Goddess energy in your every cell and movement,

practicing gratitude for the sacredness of your existence and connection to the energies in the universe.

The light permeating from you inspires and invites everyone you come across to allow their lights to shine and to thrive as well.

We will work on cultivating commitments and practices to bring our energy of thriving into the New Year.

1st Generation Experiences as Asian Pacific Islander Womxn

Intergenerational trauma.

As 1st and next generation Asian Pacific Islander womxn, what forms of ancestral trauma do we unconsciously and consciously carry with us as we navigate our journeys?

Some of the potential experiences to explore:

  • Perhaps you navigate an unhealthy attachment to external validation or comparing your sense of self-worth to others’ seemingly “perfect, successful” lives on social media

  • Low self-esteem, self-sabotage, not feeling “good enough”

  • Creating a false sense of who you think you need to be to access care, love, and acceptance

  • Shame/blame, failure/success, perfectionism

  • Pressure of family and societal expectations

  • Unhealthy relationships and relationship dynamics

  • Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues

  • Believing that your inner needs are secondary and that being assertive will make you a “bitch” or “selfish.”


Intergenerational wisdom.

How might we reconnect to our ancestors and the wisdom and practices of our cultures to help us deepen our relationship within?

We will create space to explore the ancient wisdom and cultural practices of our ancestors in our journeys,

  • tapping into the power of communal healing, support, and thriving together as API sisters

  • intuitive-based living

  • energy systems and chakra healing

  • meditation

  • ancestral spiritual practices

  • creation, destruction, and creativity

  • play, movement, music, humor, expression

  • creating affirmations and permissions for ourselves

  • embodying thriving


Connecting to the Body’s Wisdom & Intuition

We will go on a journey to explore our chakra, Qi or Prana, all names for similar ancient understandings of our life force or energy systems in our body.

According to Reshma Patel of Ananda Integrative Medicine in Los Angeles, “deficiencies can be caused by a lack of sleep, food, shelter, clean water, fresh air, and other physical elements the human body needs to properly function.

An imbalance can also be caused by insufficient mental stimulation, love, and social interaction”

She goes on to share “it’s also possible to have excess qi as a result of environmental toxins like polluted air or waiter, or from too much physical activity, stress, negative emotion, or overeating.”

If our energy systems are out of balance, we can experience physical symptoms of fatigue, irritability, hormone imbalance, pain, muscle weakness, depression, cramping, and stress.”

We will explore strengthening our relationship to our body’s wisdom through experiential practices that help cultivate deeper awareness and care for our whole being without guilt, shame, or condition.


Meditation and Mindful Awareness

Most of us in Western societies are conditioned to operate our daily awareness through our “thinking” mind, ignoring other parts of our awareness or consciousness, such as our intuitive, emotional, or experiential senses through our lived experiences in our bodies.

Particularly for womxn of color and Asian Pacific Islander womxn, there are many ways in which we have been conditioned to shut off different parts of our gifts, our experiences and those of our ancestors’, our intuitive wisdom-knowing.

We will go on a journey to explore the ancient practice of meditation, using the basic practice of anapanasati, Sanskrit for “awareness of breath.”

In our work together, I will help guide you in observation of your moment to moment experiences using our breath and body’s awareness at the energetic, experiential levels.

Through meditation and mindful awareness practices, we will practice listening deeply to our body’s core needs, and sitting with whatever arises with deep love, care, compassion, and acceptance.

When we can sit with the reality of what is versus what we desire to be true or not be true, we begin to plant the seeds of our own healing, transformation, and liberation.


Creativity & Manifestation

Each week we will explore the 7 chakra energy centers along the spine using:



self-care visioning,

embodiment and theater play,



affirmation and manifestation,

vision boards,

and other creative tools

Surviving- In our exploration through Surviving we will explore our:

Root (Survival + Security blocked by fear),

Sacral (Creativity + Pleasure blocked by guilt),

Solar Plexus (Willpower + Self-confidence blocked by shame),

Living- In Living, we will explore our:

Heart (Love and Relationships blocked by grief),

the bridge between the lower “earthly” chakras: the Root, the Sacral, and the Solar Plexus,

and the upper “spiritual” chakras: the Throat, the 3rd Eye, and the Crown chakras.

Thriving - In Thriving, we will explore our:

Throat (Self-expression, Speaking truth, Clarity of Life Vision blocked by lies),

3rd Eye (Intuition blocked by illusion/delusion) and

Crown chakra (Spiritual awareness blocked by attachment to ego).

We will continually commit to our inner healing and growth through creating our Self-Care Plans and Vision Boards for our healing journeys ahead,


  • what we want to work on,

  • commit to practicing, or

  • give ourselves,

  • Incorporating the lessons you’ve learned and gifts of realization you’ve gained about yourself through your:

  • Exploration of your awareness,

  • 7 energy/chakras,

  • identities,

  • core needs,

  • self-expression, and

  • your beliefs/narratives/practices around surviving, living, and thriving in the journey.


Letting Love In

We’re going to support you with giving yourself safe space to understand how you think about yourself, and uncover the subconscious beliefs and agreements you have that block you from feeling inherently worthy of unconditional love, safety, care, and belonging.

Oftentimes, it is the voices or unhealed trauma we inherited from our parents or family of origin.

You’ll learn how to let go of these agreements that are no longer yours so you can feel that you are inherently worthy and start to love yourself and your life from a place of gratitude, abundance, and thriving.

Safety to Feel

Your Emotions

& Love What Lights You Up

Did you grow up feeling unsafe to feel and express your emotions? Were you silenced or perhaps dealing with emotions was modeled to you by your parents or family? So you wanted to be the complete opposite or cut yourself off from feeling anything or connecting deeply or vulnerably with anyone?

Or were you taught that what you love to do or are passionate about isn’t practical or doesn’t make money or isn’t important beyond survival day to day?

You’ll learn how to honor your emotions with unconditional love and compassion and honor your body’s Yes’s and No’s so you express what you need and what you want without fear of rejection or not being loved for who you truly are.

Through this you will finally feel confident and ready to let in the healthy, supportive relationships you want and deserve in your life.

You’ll also learn that you’re safe to want what you want, love what and who you love, and reclaim your connection to your joy, play, pleasure, creativity, and natural expressions, making love to life and letting life make love to you!

Trusting Myself &

My Dreams

Did you feel a lot of pressure to perform and live up to your family’s expectations for you to go to get good grades, go to a good school, get a good job and make good money, get married and have kids by a certain age?

Or do you compare yourself to others or constantly beat yourself up or are your own worst judge? Do you doubt your abilities?

You’ll learn the root of your people pleasing, perfectionism, even why you may be so attached to your identities that you’ve worked so hard at by building your career, your reputation in your community, and even the “friendships” you’ve made to get there.

You’ll learn that when you’ve mastered the first 2 steps of loving yourself and honoring what lights you up and brings you joy inside, when you make love to life you don’t have to force things as hard and abundance comes naturally to you to support you in creating your dreams because you’re constantly feeling resourced from abundance as your birthright. You can weather hard times and good, knowing that neither are a reflection of your inherent worth, and it’s all a part of a larger vision for your life.

We can let our inner children know that it’s safe to come back home, be loved, and supported unconditionally, and that we can dream BIG again!

So, are you ready to love yourself and your life, and trust yourself to dream BIG and thrive? Then, LET’S GOOOOO!!

How It Works

6 month 1-on-1 Coaching with Karolyn

+3x a month coaching sessions (60 min)

+In between support Monday-Thursday


You are not your trauma.

Here is a clip of Avatar Korra feeling defeated when she has her powers taken away from her, but her ancestors come through to help connect her back to her roots and remind her of

who she is and who she comes from.

Through her trauma and challenges, she learns humility and compassion for herself and others, reconnects to her powers with greater wisdom, to then be able to help her whole community reconnect to the powers given to them by their ancestors.

Allow yourself permission to heal, be supported, and thrive,

with the wisdom-knowing that:

When you heal yourself, you simultaneously create the seed of healing in your community.

When you transform yourself, you simultaneously create the seed of transformation in your community,

When you liberate yourself, you simultaneously create the seed of liberation in your community.



At the completion of the journey you’ll have: 

  1. Feel more grounded and connected to yourself and your body

  2. Love yourself and feel deeply deserving to prioritize your well being and self-care daily and weekly

  3. And when you fall off, have the inner tools to practice compassion, listen to and heal through what needs tending to, and grow through the process

  4. Have a clear sense of who you are, what you desire, and feel unconditionally loved and supported so that you can trust yourself to take action toward your dream goals

  5. Feel safe to be authentically you and share yourself more fully you with others for more intimate, fulfilling, relationships

  6. Cultivated a deeper awareness of your body, feelings, and higher intuition 

  7. Explored your experiences navigating your identities as an API womxn

  8. Opportunities to cultivate deeper connection with your ancestors and activate their love and wisdom and guidance within you

  9. Become more aware of your unconscious beliefs of who you think you need to be in order to access unconditional care, love, and acceptance

  10. Opportunities to practice being more grounded in who you are, embodying confidence, presence, and empowerment as an API womxn

  11. Opened up more spaciousness for being, feeling, doing, loving, expressing, understanding, and wisdom  

  12. Opportunities to build relationships with other API womxn, and heal x support x thrive together as we navigate our journeys!

Energetic Investment:


Deposit of $888

plus 6 payments of $768

or pay in full of $5,000

or 2 payments of $2,600

Longer payment plans available

through Klarna and Affirm that offer zero to low-interest financing

for those who find this resource helpful.

Testimonial from Jeanne Ngo

  • Before joining the program I felt lost and skeptical

    My life before joining the program I felt lost,

    I felt hopeless, I was angry at the world,

    I was angry at myself for feeling self hatred. I found myself creating stories of people and of myself. I found myself only focusing on the negative side of people. I was constantly in "embrace for impact" mode. Prior to joining I had a lot of reservations- would this even work?

    How is this even going to help me when I've tried going to therapist before? How is this going to be any different? I feared that my experiences would be the same as others and the impacts would only be temporary and that in a few months I would feel the same darkness once again.

  • Immediate difference

    As I started the program, there was an immediate difference- it wasn't a simple "venting" session that I've experienced with other therapists, but instead there was a large focus on being aware, being present,

    breathing through meditation and through understanding of energy.

    I remember the first session it was very difficult to focus, it was difficult to understand what we were doing and how this would help me. I remember repeatedly stating my objective - I wanted to become confident, I wanted to be at peace, I wanted to be happy. I had tunnel vision and was so focused on how to get there.

  • New Awareness & Presence

    As I continued through the program- my reservations completely changed. I started to understand myself and be present with myself in ways that I have never done before. Rather than be dismissive and focused on end result, I started to understand that it wasn't about the end goal, but instead it was understanding the why and finding true inner acceptance.

    Meditation, journaling, learning about different energy centers of the body (chakra) allowed me to explore my true self, become at peace, and acknowledge the grieving process.

  • Hope that a Happy & Fulfilling Life Is Possible

    One obvious result that not just I observed, but my significant other observed:

    After each session- my emotional and physical energy skyrocketed.

    After each session- I was smiling a lot, jumping up and down (quite literally),

    I was just in the best mood- it was contagious to both my dog and my significant other.

    What are the 3 most significant improvements in your life thanks to your work with Karolyn?

    - I am aware of my emotional and physical state when elevated

    - I have started to understand my inner self

    - I have hope. I am hopeful that a happy and fulfilled life is attainable!

What would a more

fully aligned,




wise, and


you feel like in your everyday experience and journey?

Take a chance. Book a 1-on-1.

Book a 30 minute call with me to explore what you would like to manifest in your life, and see if working 1-on-1 with me could support your ideal vision for healing, growth, and transformation.

I look forward to connecting with you to explore what living your best life could look like moving forward!