“It feels so good to be seen by other Asian women and y’all just get it! I don’t have to explain my anger, rage, frustration, sadness, and all the mixed emotions I am experiencing with all that’s going on. I was frazzled before but feel better now. This is so healing!”

How are you loving yourself and honoring your truth as an Asian and Pacific Islander (API) woman during these times of unprecedented hate and violence against our communities?

Come join our sacred sister circle for connection, support, and community for API womxn navigating grief and the complex feelings of these times. We will have space to share our experiences, our anger, grief, rage, sadness, joy, peace, hope, inspiration, and hold space for each other to feel safe, seen, and supported in our experiences as API womxn navigating these times of unprecedented hate and uncertainty in our communities.

Feel safe to come as you are, however you are feeling. You are not alone, we see you, and we understand. 🙏😊💜💕🌺🌈🦋🌔🌖✨💫


Acknowledging Asian Mental Health In Tech


Healing Space for Shared Liberation Network