I had never fully committed to myself.

I never allowed myself to believe that

I needed or deserved:

1) the resources to really sit with, accept, and heal from the trauma that I had experienced in my life,

2) as well as the trauma inherited from my ancestors,

as a 1st generation Asian woman.




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Sometimes the mind and body can be so smart…

…they can trick us into forgetting our trauma as a way of protecting us from deep suffering and pain.

I realized that oftentimes because of my conditioning as a 1st generation Asian woman, I had been taught to just

“power through,”

“be strong,”

“don’t show weakness


save face”

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I realized that with this mindset, I could push away or suppress hard emotions like sadness, grief, depression, anger, rage, but through my experience with PTSD and my “body breaking down,” my body no longer gave me a choice.

My suppressed trauma, and emotional, sense experiences were beginning to manifest through physical symptoms in my body…

…and ignoring them was now negatively impacting my health.


My "diagnosis"


How Trauma and Stress Showed up In My Body